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How Fast Does Poodle Puppy Hair Grow? Shocking Reveal!

Most people love Poodles because of their adorable cloudy hair. And this is also one of the reasons why they are thought to be high maintenance. But still, how fast does Poodle puppy hair grow?

Poodle owners should pay attention to this information because it will be a reference when arranging proper grooming appointments.

The Poodle puppy coat needs to be taken care of, and even with the best grooming, problems can happen, sometimes out of the blue.

Experts say your Poodle’s hair will grow unless you trim it. But it should be growing between 4 to 8 inches.

Please keep reading to learn everything you need to know about maintaining the hair of your Poodle, whether you’re a new dog parent or a Poodle lover.

How Fast Does Poodle Puppy Hair Grow?

Poodles’ hair grows constantly. The average Poodle’s hair grows between 1 to 1.5 inches monthly, about as human hair.

Each dog has a unique genetic makeup and health status, which affect the rate at which its hair grows.

This requires a consistent routine of brushing and combing to prevent matting and tangling, which can be done professionally or at home.

Thus, your Poodle’s hair will grow twice as rapidly as yours. Consider what your hair would look like if you never got it cut again, then consider how fast your Poodle’s coat may become rather long.

3 Phases Of Poodle Hair Growth

The hair on a poodle passes through three distinct stages:

Anagen: This is the most active phase of growth.

Catagen: This is a transitional period.

white standard poodle sitting | how fast does poodle puppy hair grow?

Telogen: The Poodle’s hair will stop growing at this stage and fall out.

Brushing and occasional haircuts help keep poodles looking their best.

How Long Does Poodle Hair Grow?

One of the most frequent inquiries from poodle owners is, “how long does poodle hair grow?” That depends on many things, such as the Poodle breed, its coat length, and how often it is groomed.

Poodle hair grows all the time and quickly. It will grow bigger until you clip it. As a result, if you don’t trim your Poodle’s hair, there’s no telling how long it will get.

To help you determine how long your Poodle’s hair can get, I’ll discuss those considerations in greater depth below.

How Often Should You Groom Your Poodle?

Since their hair grows an average of 1.5 inches per month, Poodles must go to the groomer every 4-6 weeks.

To familiarize them with the process, you need to get started soon. If employing a professional service, ensure your dog is vaccinated and has developed a trusting relationship with you beforehand.

Types Of Poodle Hair

Despite their distinctive appearance, depending on the individual dog’s genetics, poodles can acquire diverse coat types.

Classic Coarse Poodle Hair

Classic Poodle hair, as you might imagine, is very coarse and tightly wound. Because of its texture, some call it a brillo pad.

These type of poodle coats requires weekly brushing. It is recommended to brush this hair at least once a day. In this way, you can prevent mats and knots from forming. This classic coat also requires frequent trimming and shaping.

corded haired poodle | how fast does poodle puppy hair grow?

Corded Curly Poodle Hair

If a Poodle’s hairstyle resembles that of a dreadlock wearer, the word “corded” is used to describe the look. The longer adult coat of a Poodle, which has a curlier pattern and a silkier feel, is often fashioned into cords.

How Longer Should I Keep My Poodle’s Hair?

Having a dog with hair that grows all the time means you may experiment with different styles whenever you choose.

If you’re wondering how long you should keep your Poodle’s hair, the correct answer is to keep it as long as you can manage.

Dogs with 1/2 to 3/4-inch coats are easy to groom. You can ask your groomer about getting your dog’s hair cut shorter to extend the time between visits, or you can try grooming your dog’s coat yourself.

If you are willing to put in time and effort to give your dog frequent baths, have a puppy blow dryer, and brush your Poodle puppy daily, you can extend the life of your dog’s coat.

What Is The Best Haircut For My Poodle?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has breed standards that must be adhered to enter your dog in dog shows.

However, if you’re not going for that look, functional hairstyles for your Poodle puppies are your best bet.

The teddy bear clip is an everyday hairstyle because it keeps hair short and out of the way, making it easier to go about one’s daily routine. On top of that, it’s less of a hassle for pet owners to keep clean.

Why Not Shave Your Poodle’s Hair?

The desire to completely shave your Poodle is natural. Nevertheless, despite how tempting it may seem, you should never do it. Poodles were bred initially for service, not for dog shows.

As working dogs, they have many skills beyond only running, swimming, jumping, and hunting. Their hair protects them from cuts and scrapes. In contrast, think of the pain you might cause them in the long run if you shave it all off.

How To Properly Maintain A Poodle’s Coat?

It doesn’t matter how long or short your Poodle’s coat is. You should always give it the best care possible. Keeping your Poodle’s skin pleasant and healthy is essential by keeping it clean and clear of mats.

As you may already know, Poodles are known for being hypoallergenic and not shedding. There are several reasons why this isn’t the case.

First, it’s essential to know that Poodles, like humans, occasionally lose hair. Miniature and toy poodles shed their puppy coat at nine months. Curls prevent shedding hair from falling out of the coat, which can cause mats if left unbrushed.

Does Weather Have Any Effect On Poodle Hair Growth?

Your Poodle’s hair growth may vary with the weather.


Spring may be rainy. In that situation, you should cut your Poodle’s hair so it doesn’t get soaked or muddy. After all, your pet has to go out frequently.

In addition to protecting your Poodle from filth, keeping their hair short helps protect them from uncomfortable matting.

how fast does poodle hair grow? | a poodle standing in the park


The hair grows a little faster in the summer. Most toy Poodle owners will give their dogs a haircut on hot days to make their pets comfortable. But it would be best if you did not shave your Poodle.

They risk being sunburned, which will dry out their skin. Eventually, your pet will find it irritating. But leave-in sprays are ideal for hydrating their skin after you’ve styled their hair.


Autumn may be the best time of year for your Poodle’s hair. It’s the time of year with mild temperatures and little humidity. You may take care of their long hair if you comb it frequently.


You should cut the hair around your Poodle’s feet if you live somewhere it snows. Imagine their snowy adventures. If you don’t trim their hair, it will be easy for them to gather snow to make snowballs.

However, if you live where winters become cold, you should hold off on grooming your Poodle until spring.

Top Tips To Care For Your Poodle’s Coat Like A Pro

It makes no difference whether your Poodle has short hair or long hair. It is your responsibility and involves more than just taking them to the groomer.

Keep these at home:

  • Metal comb
  • Grooming shears
  • Slicker brush
  • Blow dryer for dogs
  • Pin brush
  • Clippers

You can use either a slicker brush or a pin brush to remove mats from your Poodle’s coat and protect the fur from matting in the first place.

Be careful when brushing your Poodle with either of these tools because of the long metal tines.

Keep your Poodle at any length you prefer by regularly brushing where matting is most likely to occur, including the ears, shoulders, hips, legs, and tail.

Professional Vs. Home Grooming

It’s a common misconception that poodles need more frequent professional grooming sessions than other dog breeds to maintain their sleek appearance.

Although this may be the case for show poodles or owners who keep them in exquisite hairstyles, many poodles can be maintained in the comfort of their homes with much less effort.

The dog may feel more relaxed and at ease being groomed in its home, and the owner will have complete creative control over the finished cut.

How To Choose The Best Shampoo And Conditioner For My Poodle?

It’s not unusual for people to wash their pets with human products. Your Poodle’s skin could get dry and flaky if you use human shampoo. That’s not a brilliant idea due to our skin’s inherent differences from those of canines.

It will help if you read the labels to ensure that the dog shampoo you buy for your Poodle is alkaline.

A professionally prepared shampoo is always ideal. Remove knots before bathing your Poodle.

What Are The Reasons For Hair Loss In Poodles?

Many factors can cause a dog to lose its hair. With this knowledge, you may decide whether or not to seek medical attention.

  • Your Poodle has internal health difficulties, such as a thyroid disorder.
  • Something is wrong with your Poodle’s hormones, diet, or skin.
  • Your Poodle suffers from food, flea, and grass allergies.
  • Your Poodle requires a thorough shaving and grooming session.
  • Your Poodle had an accident that destroyed some hair.
  • Your Poodle had extensive surgery.

Problems Associated With Poodle Hair

Poodle hair, while beautiful and hypoallergenic, presents unique challenges regarding care and maintenance. Poodles’ hair is prone to thinning and shedding, especially when female canines experience hormonal changes like heat.

These are a few other frequent problems associated with poodle hair:

Alopecia X

In poodles, a lack of growth hormone during puberty causes pattern baldness that can affect either side of the poodle’s body. However, this is merely a cosmetic issue (usually brought on by bad breeding procedures) and does not affect the poodles’ health in any way.

Castration-Sensitive Dermatosis

This hair loss condition is “castration responsive” since it is directly tied to the dog’s hormone levels and typically appears in male poodles when they reach puberty.


Like many popular purebred dogs, certain poodle breeds have acquired allergies to food and shampoos that damage the skin, eyes, and hair. Over time, a poodle that suffers from extreme itching may lose its fur, develop sores and hot areas, and even cut itself.

Sebaceous Adenitis

Poor breeding causes this hereditary condition in poodles and other breeds, like alopecia X. The Poodle’s coat affected by this condition will become sparse or fall off totally. This hereditary disorder cannot be treated, so it is crucial to screen for it before mating any two poodles.

a grey poodle standing on a stool | how fast does poodle hair grow?

Conclusion For “How fast does poodle puppy hair grow?”

The hair on your Poodle can grow quickly, so you must learn how to keep it in check. There’s no denying the amount of work that goes into keeping a poodle’s famously long and elegant coat in good condition. Poodles are fast-growing and almost non-shedding, so they need regular trips to the groomer to keep them looking and feeling their best.



Q: How fast does poodle puppy hair grow?

A: A dog’s hair will grow a quarter and a half inches monthly. Generally, a dog’s coat will take around 4.2 months to grow.

Q: Which diet is best for a Poodle coat?

A: Poodles benefit significantly from a diet rich in omega fatty acids (for dog’s skin and surrounding coat hairs health), glucosamine, and chondroitin (joint health) in the form of salmon, salmon oil, flaxseeds, and probiotics(for good digestion).

Q: How can I make my Poodle’s coat more classy?

A: Make sure to brush your dog on a regular basis. This will increase oil production, revitalize the skin, and stimulate hair follicles, improving hair growth.

Q: How often should I brush my Poodle?

A: The Poodle’s coat is wiry and dense. When the two layers come into touch with sticky things, such as tree sap or mud, they can quickly get matted. For this reason, it is recommended by most professional groomers that you brush and comb your dog every day.

Q: At what age should a Poodle get its first trim?

A: If you want your Poodle to be comfortable with having its dead hair trimmed regularly, you should start doing it when the dog is just 2 or 3 months old, not when necessary.





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