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How Often Should a Poodle Be Groomed? Poodle Grooming Guide!

Have you recently brought home a new poodle puppy or adopted an adult poodle into your family? A poodle will have different grooming needs throughout its life, so it’s essential to plan. Making sure your Poodle gets the care it needs to stay healthy and happy for years is a top priority.

Poodles are well-liked due to their sweet personalities and their stylish fur. As a Poodle owner, you may be curious about how often should a poodle be groomed. Should Poodle puppies get their fur shaved? And what will happen if you neglect to groom your Poodle?

If you don’t keep up with your Poodle’s grooming needs, its coat can get long and matted, which is not only unsightly but also highly uncomfortable for your pet.

This article is a complete guide that has everything you need to know about Poodle Grooming.


Poodles require regular brushing and a thorough professional grooming session once a month. Their hair is coarse and grows rapidly, giving them a unique appearance.

Long-haired adult poodles should see a groomer once each six to eight weeks. Even if you are capable of giving your Poodle a thorough grooming at home on your own, you should still take it to the professional groomer at least 2 times a year.

a black color poodle

The frequency with which you brush your Poodle may vary. Brushing your Poodle’s fur on a regular basis (daily or weekly) is necessary to prevent mats and tangles and remove any shed hair that has become embedded in the coat.

  • Daily brushing is necessary for the maintenance of a Poodle with longer hair or coat.
  • For coats of medium length, brushing once or twice a week should be sufficient.
  • Poodles with short coats only need to be brushed once weekly.

However, poodles can be high maintenance due to the numerous difficulties associated with poodle routine grooming. The lack of shedding in poodles means that their fur will continue to grow and eventually become matted and clumped if the dog is not groomed regularly.

Why Should Poodles Be Groomed Regularly?

There are a few good reasons why you should keep your Poodle well-groomed:

  • The Poodle’s unique coat is extremely difficult to keep free of mats and tangles.
  • Regular grooming and brushing help your Poodle’s coat stay smooth, shiny, and healthy.
  • During a grooming session, you can examine your Poodle for fleas, ticks, mites, skin infections, bald spots, bumps, and allergies. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, consult your vet.
  • Brushing and combing their coat on a regular basis prevents mats and tangles.
  • Brushing your Poodle on a regular basis can increase the flow of blood to its skin. The hair follicles of your Poodle will also benefit from this.
  • The health and cleanliness of your Poodle can be enhanced through regular grooming.
  • By maintaining a regular grooming routine, you can lessen the amount of hair that ends up on your couch and carpet.
  • Grooming your Poodle in different styles can also be a fun way to spend quality time together.

How Do You Prepare Your Poodle For Its First Grooming Session?

Your first task as a poodle parent is to prepare your Poodle for a grooming session as soon as possible. When getting its first grooming, your Poodle could be hesitant, curious, or even afraid. Most poodles will experience severe anxiety on their first trip to the groomer.

Groomers with experience with poodle puppies often report that the use of grooming tools causes the most anxiety.

Younger Dogs will naturally be terrified by all the flashy gadgets and sharp tools that move in weird ways and make super-loud noises, particularly when used near delicate parts like the ears and eyes.

As a poodle owner, you’ll need to familiarise your pup with a wide variety of grooming products, such as a trimmer, scissors, nail clippers, nail buffers, and a wide variety of combs and brushes.

The following are some things you can do to get your Poodle ready for their first time getting groomed:

  1. Encourage your Poodle to become comfortable with having its teeth, tail, nails, eyes, and ears examined extensively. With this preparation, it will be calmer and more tolerant of the groomer’s attempts to touch that area. A poodle that isn’t used to human contact may react negatively to being handled by the groomer, showing signs of fear such as growling or even biting.
  2. Visit the groomer at least twice before your puppy is fully ready for its initial grooming. This will help your Poodle become accustomed to the sights, sounds, and scents associated with the grooming process.
  3. Make sure to bring your poodle plenty of treats to make trips to the groomer a positive experience. Poodles are extremely friendly and respond well to positive reinforcement, so both you and your groomer should pamper the dog with lots of love and affection while they are in the process of grooming.

how often should a poodle be groomed

A Complete Guide To Poodle Grooming

Your Poodle’s grooming needs will differ from one another depending on their way of life, as well as on factors such as sensitive skin or any other health issues.

Your dog’s grooming regimen should center on the following key points:

Regularly Brushing Of Fur:

Poodles need to be brushed at least 2 times a week, if not more frequently. This is important for maintaining a healthy coat and a sleek appearance. With a little brushing, their coats will look cleaner and brighter. Brush gently; too much pressure could cause damage. It’s important to pick a brush that works well with your Poodle’s coat type.


It’s not necessary to bathe a poodle very often. They should be washed when they get really dirty or occasionally. Don’t use products with excessive dyes or scents. Be sure to select a dog shampoo that has a neutral pH while washing your dog.

a poodle in a tub filled with shampoo leather and shampoo on his head

Drying Your Poodle:

After bathing your Poodle, you’ll need to assist in drying it off. Even though poodles will naturally shake off some of the water after becoming wet, they still need to be dried off.

Cleaning Eyes:

The Poodle’s eyes shouldn’t be red, swollen, or draining. When cleaning your Poodle’s eyes, proceed with extreme caution due to the fragility of its eyes. For delicate debris removal, use cotton balls. Once it has softened, gently wipe its eyes.

Trimming Nails:

You should trim your Poodle’s nails once or two times a month. Never clip your Poodle’s nails too short. The nails of a Poodle can be filed down naturally by letting it run on concrete.

Brushing Teeth:

To avoid dental problems, including gum disease, germs, and tartar buildup, you should brush your Poodle’s teeth at least twice a week.

Cleaning Ears:

You must examine your Poodle’s ears once every two weeks. To avoid infections, wipe them with a cotton swab and an ear-cleaning solution designed for canines. The ears of your Poodle should be clean and wax-free.

Maintaining a regular hygiene routine for your Poodle will aid in the early detection of any health complications.

Create a fun and rewarding grooming session for your Poodle by showering it with lots of praise. Whenever you groom your Poodle, be sure to have plenty of treats as a reward.

Poodle Clips

Here are some different types of clips you could try on your Poodle:

  • The Teddy Bear Clip
  • The Miami Clip
  • The kennel clip
  • The Town and country clip
  • The Puppy Lamb Clip
  • The Lamb Clip

a white standard poodle getting groomed | how often should a poodle be groomed

Grooming Tools For A Poodle

Grooming equipment is essential for maintaining your Poodle’s appearance. Having the right tools to groom your Poodle will ensure it always looks the best.

Here is a list that can be useful in your search for the proper equipment to use when grooming your Poodle:

  • Comb
  • Cotton swabs and ear cleanerPet nail clippers
  • Grooming rake
  • Brushes that include a Slicker brush, Bristle brush, Curry brush, and Wire pin brush.
  • Dog shampoo and conditioner with a neutral ph
  • Dog toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Trimming Scissors
  • Flea combs for finding and removing the pests

Shaving Poodles: Yes Or No?

Shaving is an integral part of Poodle grooming.

Shaving is important for Poodles for the following reasons:

Preventing Matted And Clumped Hair:

The hair on a Poodle will become long and matted if it is not brushed daily. As a result, Poodle’s hair will collect dirt, debris, and unpleasant micro-parasites. Shaving keeps their hair from getting too long and tangled.

Easy Maintenance:

The everyday maintenance of a Poodle will be simplified by shaving Poodle’s hair.

Fit For The Summer:

Shaving the dog will make it more comfortable while it’s hot outside.

German cut on a poodle | what does a poodle look like without a haircut?

Managing Hair Growth:

Trimming the Poodle’s Fur Is essential for regulating the dog’s coat. Your Poodle’s skin could become infected if you don’t shave it regularly.

Suggested Read: Can Poodles be left alone?

How Much Does Poodle Grooming Cost?

Poodle grooming costs primarily depend on the breed and size of the dog. Grooming costs are reduced for toy poodles since they require less time than regular poodles.

Services, including nail trimming, flea treatments, and dental cleaning, are typically offered at an additional cost by Poodle Groomers.

Toy Poodle

Grooming a Toy Poodle can cost anywhere from $36 for a basic bath to $68 for a complete service that includes a haircut, nail trim, and a bath.

Miniature Poodle

For a Miniature Poodle, a simple bath costs $40, a full bath costs $64, and full body grooming costs $74.

Standard Poodle

The price for a basic bath for standard Poodles is $90; for a full bath, it’s $130, and for a full groom, it’s $140.

Are Poodles Hypoallergenic?

Common belief holds that poodles tend to be “hypoallergenic dogs.” When a dog loses its hair, it also loses some of the allergen-filled dander that might irritate its owner’s sensitive skin.

While no dog breed can be guaranteed to be completely hypoallergenic, Poodles shed significantly less than most others.

There are several other breeds, according to American Kennel Club, that are best suited to those who suffer from allergies.

  • Poodles
  • Yorkshire Terriers
  • Bichon Frises, Maltese
  • Schnauzers

These are some popular dog breeds that are sometimes referred to as hypoallergenic because they shed very little.

Summing Up

When it comes to how often should a poodle be groomed, the breed size and the environment in which the dog lives are crucial factors. It can be exhausting, time-consuming, and costly to keep your poodle pup’s fur matt-free, tangle-free, clean, and shiny all at once!

It is essential to have the resources, tools, and time necessary for poodle grooming because it contributes to a Poodle’s good looks. In addition, your Poodle’s long fur will become matted if you don’t groom it, putting your pet at risk for skin problems.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When should a Poodle get its first clipping and grooming?

A: Clipping or trimming a poodle for the first time should be done when the dog is somewhere between 11 and 16 weeks old.

Q: How often should a Poodle be groomed?

A: A professional grooming session is recommended for your poodle or poodle mix every six weeks, while some breeds, like the Maltese, can go as long as eight to ten weeks.

Q: If a poodle doesn’t get clipped, what will happen to it?

A: Poodles need regular grooming to prevent their hair from growing to unmanageable lengths and matting. Poodle owners should keep their pets’ coats short and curly to prevent matting.

Q: Do you wash the Poodle before you cut its hair?

A: Make sure your dog is clean and dry before attempting to clip its hair. Avoid trimming a dirty dog. Because of the dirt, the clippers will get clogged up, and your work will be more difficult.



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