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a brown poodle with its tongue out | at what age do poodles calm down?

At What Age Do Poodles Calm Down? 7 Tips to Calm Down Your Poodle

Poodles are intelligent, energetic, and joyful, attracting everyone. Their ability to adjust to new settings quickly is another reason they are so widely used as service dogs.

On the other hand, this means they require humans around them consistently to avoid developing mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

If you own a poodle, you definitely have concerns about their excessive energy and want to know, “At what age do poodles calm down?”

Find out how to level out your Poodle’s energy. All poodles calm down at different stages because of their personalities. A poodle owner needs to be aware of their traits.

At What Age Do Poodles Calm Down?

Dogs tend to settle down at ages five to six, but every dog is different! Hyper Poodle puppy is a very normal phase of a Poodle’s development.

As previously stated, all poodles, either toy, miniature, or standard, calm down at different ages; let’s discuss when they calm down.

Toy Poodle: A one-year-old toy poodle will calm down. Among all poodle breeds, toy poodles calm and grow the fastest.

Miniature Poodle: They require a little more time than toy poodles. Miniature poodles calm down between the age of 12 and 18 months.

Standard Poodle: These Poodle takes a little longer to grow. Standard poodles calm down between the age of 18 to 24 months.

The best approach to get your Poodle to settle down is to tire them out. Poodles have proven themselves to be champions in various dog sports, including agility, retrieving, and obedience. They enjoy challenging their minds with new puzzle toys and tricks.

7 Signs That A Poodle Is Not Calm

Maintaining your dog’s Behavior is crucial as it grows. A variety of signs can identify a poodle’s temperament:

  • It holds a lot of energy
  • Impulsive Behavior
  • Makes anxious motion
  • Aggressiveness
  • Attention seeking
  • Snaps quickly
  • Destructiveness

How Much Activity Does A Poodle Require?

Owners must carefully plan the exercise time of a poodle. The amount of exercise they need should be scheduled according to their size.

a poodle running | at what age do poodles calm down?

The following are the suggested walking time for each variety of Poodle:

Although many Poodles have a high stamina level and can walk for much longer distances. You can walk a little further if they are happily walking along.

While If your Poodle is breathing excessively, dropping behind, or stopping and lying down. It would be best if you immediately took your furry friend home.

7 Tips to Calm Down Your Poodle

Regular exercise, mental stimulation, and good nutrition are all great ways to help your Poodle puppy relax. Poodle training and games should also help him relax.

Following are some ways to calm down your poodle pup:

  • Physical activity
  • Mental stimulation
  • Social interaction
  • Puzzle games
  • Obedience training
  • Healthy Sleep Schedule
  • Eating healthy food

1. Physical Activity:

Keeping your Poodle sufficiently engaged in physical activities is the key to calm behavior. Exercise regularly benefits a poodle’s physical health in a variety of ways, including:

  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Eliminates hostility
  • Reduces snapping

2. Mental Stimulation:

While physical exercise is essential for your Poodle’s general health, an intelligent breed like Poodle requires more than just a long walk. Poodles require a lot of mental stimulation to stay calm.

Mental exercise can expend the same amount of energy as physical exercise.

poodle playing with a pink colored ball | at what age do poodles calm down?

Dog owners should spend time stimulating their pet’s brains with activities that enhance mental abilities such as concentration, investigation, and memory.

Some examples of mental stimulation include:

  • Puzzle
  • Fun games
  • Command training
  • Interactive chew toys
  • Scatter feeding
  • Rewarding your Poodle for good behavior

3. Social Interaction:

Poodles are highly social dogs that enjoy the company of humans or other animals in a dog park. Poodles can become frustrated or nervous when left alone, resulting in misbehavior.

Socialization helps control your dog’s behavioral issues, such as hostility and anxiety, and can improve its obeying skills.

Regularly introducing a dog to the outside world is an important aspect of raising him to be receptive to other animals, people, and circumstances.

Socializing your Poodle has many advantages, including,

  • Socialization teaches your dog how to respond to the world healthily.
  • It reduces stress as socialization builds confidence.
  • Socialization trains them to go almost anywhere as it provides them freedom.

4. Puzzle Games:

Playing puzzle games daily helps create new connections between brain cells. Puzzles are perfect for keeping your Poodle busy, thinking, and memorizing things. It makes a Poodle happier.

Games like finding hidden things, frisbee, cup game, and food puzzles stimulate a Poodle’s mind.

5. Obedience Training:

Poodles are brilliant dogs who thrive on mental stimulation and training.

Positive reinforcement can help your Poodle learn new tricks and behaviors while also strengthening your connection with them.

Basic obedience training can aid in the reduction of undesirable behaviors such as jumping, barking, or chewing.

Be consistent with your training methods, commands, and expectations. This helps your Poodle understand what is expected of them and helps prevent confusion.

6. Healthy Sleep Schedule:

Poodles are high-energy canines that can be pretty active during the day. Poodles, like other dogs, require a lot of sleep to stay healthy and keep their high energy levels.

a poodle sleeping on wooden floor

Poodle emotions are affected by quality sleep. The quantity of sleep needed depends on the age and size of the Poodle.

Poodle puppies require 15 to 20 hours of sleep daily, whereas growing and adult dogs require 12 hours.

7. Eating Healthy:

A well-balanced diet can benefit a poodle’s overall health, making them calmer. A healthy diet can boost Poodle’s energy levels, making them more playful.

Will My Poodle Ever Calm Down?

With time, your Poodle will mature and become more peaceful. Poodles left alone for long periods may benefit from the chew bones and other toys available at pet supply stores.

Poodles are intelligent and eager to please, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to teach them to obey the command “quiet” or switch off the lights when given the paw signal.

The average canine settles down at two, but your Poodle may take longer.

Every dog is different, but by the time they’re two years old, most of them have settled down. If you suspect your Poodle is unique among canines, observing him carefully is in your best interest.

What To Do If Your Poodle Still Can’t Calm Down?

You should consult a professional trainer or a behaviorist if your Poodle’s hyperactivity and excitement persist.

Some dogs require supplementary assistance during the training process. You may not be giving your Poodle the right signs when teaching it a command, or you need to include a step.

Is Poodle Calmness Linked To Owner Satisfaction?

Yes, poodle calmness is linked to owner satisfaction. Owners of calm poodles often report higher satisfaction with their pets than owners of more hyperactive or anxious dogs.

Here are some reasons why poodle calmness can contribute to owner satisfaction:

  • Calm poodles are easy to train, making the training process more enjoyable for the dog and the owner.
  • Calm pets are less likely to engage in destruction, reducing the damage they cause to the owner’s property and reducing the need for disciplinary measures.
  • Owners of calm poodles often report strong bonds with their dogs, making it easier for better public behavior.
  • A poodle’s calming nature can help reduce stress levels in the owner’s life.

Can A Calm Poodle Assist With Therapy?

Yes, Calm poodles can be trained as therapy dogs. Therapy dog training usually includes learning how to greet people politely and interact with different types of people, including children and elderly individuals.

With proper training, a poodle can provide comfort and support to people in need and positively impact their lives.

Can Genes Affect Poodle’s Calmness?

What causes poodles to be naturally calm and relaxed? Is it a result of their genes, upbringing, or a mix of the two?

According to a study, poodles have a unique combination of genes that may contribute to their calm and obedient nature.

While genetics may play a role in a poodle’s calm temperament, proper training, and socialization are crucial factors in promoting peaceful and relaxed behavior. By understanding the science behind their calmness, poodle owners can enjoy their company even more.


So, at what age do poodles calm down? Poodle puppies tend to become mature dogs at around two years, when they may become calmer and more settled. To help a poodle become calmer, providing plenty of exercises, mental stimulation, and positive reinforcement training is essential. This article emphasizes that poodles can make excellent, peaceful, loving companions with proper care and training.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Are all poodles calm by nature?

A: All poodles have the potential to be calm. Each dog is different and can have its unique personality traits.

Q: When do poodles calm down?

A: Well-trained poodle puppies calm down at 18 months, while others may need two, three, or even four to five years.

Q: Do all Poodles have excessive energy?

Yes, Poodles are hunting dogs that may be very active. Indeed, this is especially true when they are young poodles (puppy stage).

Q: How can I help my hyper Poodle become a calmer poodle?

A: Poodles can benefit from regular exercise, socialization, and mental stimulation to become calmer and well-adjusted. Positive behavior training can also help hyper Poodles react calmly to various situations.




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