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Can Poodles Have Blue Eyes? A Complete Guide!

We’re used to seeing poodles, tiny bundles of joy, racing around our houses. For a good reason, poodles are rapidly becoming the most popular designer dog breeds for homes. The canines are trustworthy, entertaining, and adorable, so everyone wants them.

Blue eyes can be a stunning and distinguishing aspect of your Poodle’s personality. However, if a poodle puppy has blue eyes, that should raise some eyebrows.

Knowing how a poodle got to have this unique attribute can warn you of the possibility of significant difficulties that any pet owner would wish to know.

Can Poodles Have Blue Eyes?

The short response is yes!

However, the standard eye color for the poodle breed is dark brown, as acknowledged by both the AKC (American kennel club) and the UKC. Instead of being a cute mutation, a dog’s blue eyes may indicate a health problem.

Blue eyes are a common sign of severe illness in the poodle breed, especially as they age. Adult blue eyed poodles may have this trait due to genetics or show signs of eye disease.

Let’s examine some essential information to learn when and why poodle puppies develop blue eyes.

What Does Having Blue Eyes On A Poodle Signify?

That depends on their genetic makeup, the dog breeder, and the breeding environment. Here are three things you can indeed say about a blue poodle puppy.

It’s Not The Standard


white standard poodle

Every dog breed has a standard set by the industry. Poodles are heavily regulated for contests, especially since they are designer dog breeds.

Before they can begin participating, regulations regarding the dog’s coloring must be followed. Blue eyes deviate from this pattern.

Regardless of whether the dog is perfectly OK and has blue eyes as a family feature, participation will likely be denied due to the unusual trait.

The Poodle’s Coat Color Might Affect The Eye Color

A Poodle puppy’s eye color may be impacted by its coat color. Depending on the shade of the fur, the eyes may appear much brighter or darker.

Be sure to inspect the color of the eyes before bringing home your new Poodle puppy.

Challenges In Healthcare

As a significant consideration, poodles with blue eyes may have underlying health problems.
Especially if your dog’s eyes turn blue as it ages, it could indicate an eye condition or something just as serious, signaling that the blue poodle puppy requires medical assistance.

Those dogs with blue merle genes can nevertheless have a severe medical condition that requires veterinary care.

They are more likely to be born with a disability such as deafness, blindness, or malformation. It’s dependent on the breeder and the conditions of the breeding!

Blue eyed poodle | can poodles have blue eyes?


Does A Poodle With Blue Eyes Break The Poodle Breed’s Standard?

The American kennel club (AKC) specifies the following colors for purebred poodles in the breed standards for this dog.

  • The skin should have a consistent and uniform tone.
  • The poodle’s coat color should closely match the skin color in the shade, even if the shade varies somewhat all over the coat.
  • The noses of poodles should be black.
  • Dark eyes are ideal for poodles with brown or cafe au lait coats.

Poodles can be found in various colors, including white, creamy, black, grey, and silver. A poodle’s eyes should be deep brown or black because dark eyes are often preferred for canine competitions due to the dog breed’s standards.

All of this demonstrates that blue eyes are not a typical trait for purebred poodles.

Inadequacies In The Poodle Breed’s Standard

Why is a poodle with blue eyes considered acceptable, yet the standard specifically mentions that poodles shouldn’t have blue eyes?

The blue color of the eyes is not mentioned by name in the poodle breed’s standard. Dogs with very light eye color or those who are particolored are deemed to have a severe defect in the poodle dog breeds standard.

However, the disqualification of the poodle breed having blue eyes is not explicitly stated in the breed standard.

What Can Cause Blue Eyes In An Adult Poodle?

The following are crucial factors that can cause blue eyes in poodles:

  • The Merle Gene
  • Eye Disease
  • Heterochromia

The Merle Gene

Coats with swirly or splotchy patterns characterize some dog breeds due to the presence of the merle gene. The gorgeous marks it creates can be seen in any dog breed, but poodles aren’t born with it.

A poodle with the merle gene must have introduced it from another dog breed.

This is a deal-breaker for all those seeking a show-quality purebred poodle, but for others seeking a gorgeous companion animal, it may be of little concern or even an asset.

But there are certain disadvantages to owning a poodle with blue eyes or a merle coat that you should know.

Puppies with the merle gene are more likely to develop visual and hearing disorders. However, a pup from a litter with at least a single merle poodle parent is likely healthy enough to bring into the home.

Make sure your poodle puppy doesn’t come from a “double-merle” litter and don’t let a merle poodle breed with another merle breed under any circumstances.

Sadly, some double merle litters have puppies with birth abnormalities such as deafness, blindness, and a wide variety of other abnormalities that are often linked to this gene.

There isn’t a single owner or breeder who would knowingly permit such a thing to happen.

Is Merle Gene Poodle At Risk Of Developing Health Issues?

Whenever dog owners discover that their pet carries the merle gene, they may worry about the welfare of future generations of the dog breeds and their well-being.

The merle genes severely threaten the dog’s health if passed from both parents.

The merle gene itself has a lot of unanswered questions. As was previously said, the merle may have a minimal effect on the poodle’s coat and the overall color of the poodle, but this is highly dependent on the breeding process.

Poodle Eye Disease

What should you do if your grown poodle with black eyes suddenly develops lighter or blue eyes?
If this happens, you should be concerned. The condition is often a sign of some eye illness.

Cataracts and glaucoma are the two most prevalent. Because of the potential for permanent blindness, a vet must examine your dog without delay.


Any mammal, including humans, horses, cats, and dogs, is susceptible to developing this illness. Causes include the merle gene and others that vary by breed in canines.

Blue eyes in poodles are possible due to this or other rare hereditary traits, but they are unusual.
When this is the reason for a poodle’s blue eyes, there is usually no need for additional worry about the dog’s health.

heterochromia in poodle | can poodles have blue eyes?

Heterochromia In Poodles: What Is It?

Differently colored irises, often known as Heterochromia, is a medical condition.
This might refer to one eye having a different color than the other, or it can refer to both eyes having a distinct color.

Heterochromia: The Risks Involved

Most poodles don’t have to worry about Heterochromia. If your dog’s eyes begin to seem blue or gray, you should make an appointment with your vet.
Potentially harmful conditions that might alter eye color include;

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Nuclear Sclerosis
  • A malfunctioning optic nerve
  • Congenital Deformity of the Eye or Retina

Can Any Breed Of Dogs Have Blue Eyes?

Although albinism is common among dogs with blue eyes, it is rare. There exist dog breeds naturally carrying this gene, the most commonly seen is the Siberian Husky. Some species can have this, but this varies depending on coloration.

One downside is that they tend to be popular among amateur and backyard breeders.

However, the occasional poodle may experience additional difficulties due to Heterochromia if the condition is provoked by an environmental reason other than genetics, such as the aforementioned medical conditions.

How Should A Poodle Having Heterochromia Be Treated?

Poodles require special care for their eyes regardless of whether they have two or one blue eyes. In general, it’s a good idea to give your pet’s eyes the attention and care they deserve.

It helps you avoid being sick in the first place and provides an early warning for any problems.

These are the measures you can take if you notice that your pet has developed Heterochromia, or blue eyes, as a result of an eye injury:

Pet Safety Glasses

Canine eyeglasses are the solution if your beloved poodle has had an injury and needs protection. They shield the eyes from further harm, dust, debris, and UV rays.

It shields them from the light, too! In addition to making your poodle appear gorgeous, this will also keep them warm and safe.

Pet Eye Wipes

Moist wipes, both medicated and non-medicated, are available for purchase to remove debris from your pup’s eye and reduce the risk of further infection.
Infections are less likely to spread when using disinfectant wipes.


Your veterinarian can prescribe an ointment to ease your poodle’s discomfort if it suffers from eye problems or an accident.

A topical ointment can help the eyes feel new again and aid in the healing of any illness or injury.

Pet Multivitamins

You can give your poodle vitamins if you discover they are deficient in specific nutrients or have vision problems.

Consult your vet before feeding your dog any new foods or treats.

In a Nut Shell

By the end of this article, I hope that I have addressed all your concerns about “can poodles have blue eyes?” Blue-eyed poodles exist, but remember that, like any other dog breed, not all blue poodle puppies will be healthy. This is a rare breed, but you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful family pet, a loyal companion when you find one. Some people are put off by the fact that poodles have blue eyes, but it shouldn’t stop you from adopting a dog who needs a loving home.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. Why do Poodles have blue eyes?

A. Nuclear sclerosis is a natural part of the aging process of the eye’s lens. The eyes of an unhealthy poodle will appear clouded and bluish.

Q. How unusual are blue eyes on dogs?

A. It is still a somewhat uncommon characteristic. DNA study has revealed that just about 5% of canines have the blue eye variation. Due to genetic variations, one eye may be blue while the other is brown.

Q. Can a poodle have Heterochromia?

A. “Yes,” Heterochromia is a medical condition that can affect poodles. Despite how unlikely it seems, it is still possible.

Q. Exactly what color are a Poodle’s eyes?

A. The brown, medium-sized dog is the most common. Poodles will have dark, spotted eyes. Brown — a poodle’s dark brown coat is just as beautiful as a lighter coat, such as a Café Au Lait.

Q. When Does Heterochromia Pose a Threat?

A. Heterochromia can be an early indicator of a more severe problem, such as a brain tumor, and may not be the only symptom present. The risk of harm is increased if the Heterochromia isn’t inherited. Cataracts are among the most prevalent issues brought on by a change in eye color.




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