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Do poodles have long eyelashes? | a brown poodle

Do Poodles Have Long Eyelashes? Everything You Need To Know!

Poodles have characteristic curly coats and stylish appearance. But one thing that is often overlooked is how beautiful their eyelashes are.

Known for their elegance, these furry buddies are often admired for their beautiful, expressive eyes, leaving many to wonder, “Do poodles have long eyelashes?” The answer is yes, poodles have long eyelashes that serve a practical purpose.

The long eyelashes of a Poodle are one of the breed’s distinguishing features. They serve the crucial purpose of protecting the dog’s eyes from dirt, debris, and moisture.

Now, you might wonder why some poodles lack long eyelashes. There isn’t a single reason, as several factors can influence this variation. To explore more about poodle long eyelashes, read on.

Do Poodles Have Long Eyelashes?

Yes! With their elegant and curly coats, Poodles often possess long and luscious eyelashes that add to their overall charm. These long eyelashes result from their genetic makeup and contribute to their distinctive appearance. The curls in their fur are extended to their lashes, making them even more noticeable and appealing.

a white braided poodle o grass with vintage background

However, not every poodle has the same length of eyelashes. Some may have shorter or even missing lashes due to different factors. Let’s look at some of the reasons why some poodles may not have long eyelashes.

Genetic Variation

Poodles, like any other breed, exhibit genetic diversity. While most poodles have long eyelashes, some may inherit genetic traits that result in shorter or less noticeable eyelashes.


Poodles are sometimes crossbred with other dog breeds, leading to genetic variations. The resulting mixed-breed poodle might have different eyelash characteristics depending on the other breed’s genetics.

Health Issues

Certain health conditions can affect the growth and shape of a poodle’s eyelashes. Issues like eye infections, allergies, or hormonal imbalances might lead to shorter or thinner lashes. Monitoring your poodle’s eye health regularly and seeking veterinary care if any abnormalities are observed is essential.


Just like humans, a poodle’s eyelashes can change with age. As they grow older, their eyelashes might become less prominent or lose some length.

Grooming Practices


apricot poodle getting groomed

The way a poodle is groomed can influence the appearance of their eyelashes. Over-trimming or improper grooming techniques might lead to shorter or uneven lashes. Handling the eye area with care during grooming is crucial to maintain the natural length and health of the eyelashes.

Why Do Poodles Possess Long Eyelashes?

Poodles’ long eyelashes enhance their appearance, adding to their overall charm and allure. Besides being aesthetically pleasing, these long eyelashes serve a practical purpose by maintaining clear vision. They are a natural barrier against dust, dirt, and other particles that might irritate the eyes.

By preventing debris and irritants from entering the eyes, poodles can explore their surroundings with confidence and without discomfort.

Beyond their protective function, poodles’ long eyelashes also play a vital role in keeping their eyes moist. They help prevent excessive tear evaporation, which can cause dryness and discomfort. The long eyelashes aid in retaining moisture, ensuring that the eyes remain hydrated and comfortable.

Can Long Eyelashes Cause Eye Problems In Poodles?

Yes, if poodle eyelashes are not properly maintained or if the dog has an underlying health condition, it might create eye problems.

Furthermore, If the eyelashes are not cleaned and maintained regularly, in that case, they can trap dirt, debris, and germs, leading to a higher risk of eye bacterial eye infections.

Following are some common health problems associated with the long eyelashes of a poodle.

Eye Infections

The long, curly form of poodle eyelashes can make it challenging to keep them clean, allowing dirt, debris, and bacteria to accumulate. This increases the likelihood of eye infections such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, and blepharitis.

poodle teary eyes

If left untreated, these infections can cause discomfort, swelling, and even vision loss. Poodle eyelashes should be groomed and cleaned regularly to help avoid eye infections.


Epiphora is a common eye condition in poodles that produces excessive tearing and discharge. Various reasons, including tear duct obstructions, eyelid abnormalities, and infections, can cause it.

Long eyelashes might worsen this issue by catching tears and causing them to overflow across the face. If your poodle has severe tearing or discharge from the eyes, check with a veterinarian to establish the underlying reason and receive adequate treatment.

Tangling Eyelashes

Tangling eyelashes are a typical issue in poodles with long, curly lashes. Tangled eyelashes can create discomfort and irritation for the dog, as well as other eye problems and issues such as ingrown eyelashes or eye infections. To keep your poodle’s eyelashes from tangling, groom them regularly using a soft-bristled brush.

How To Prevent Eye Problems In Poodles?

To avoid eye problems, make sure your poodle has appropriate eye hygiene. Wash their eyes regularly with a mild, vet-approved dog eye solution. If you observe any eye irritation, infection, or excessive tearing, you should see a veterinarian immediately for the correct treatment.

white poodle having teary eyes

Regular grooming and eye care will help ensure that your poodle’s long eyelashes remain charming and healthy, contributing to their overall well-being.

8 Tips for Maintaining Long Eyelashes in Poodles:

Long Eyelashes accentuate the beauty of your already adorable pooch. Maintaining long and healthy eyelashes in poodles requires regular care and attention.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you keep your poodle’s eyelashes in top condition:

  • Gentle Grooming: Use a soft-bristled brush or a designated eyelash comb to groom your poodle’s eyelashes gently. Be delicate around the eye area to avoid causing any discomfort or injury.
  • Regular Cleaning: Keep the eye area clean by wiping away any dirt, debris, or tear stains using a soft, damp cloth or pet-safe wipes. This will prevent the buildup of gunk that could lead to matting or irritation.
  • Trimming as Needed: Sometimes, poodles may have excessively long eyelashes that could obstruct their vision or cause discomfort. If necessary, consider trimming the tips of the eyelashes carefully, ensuring not to cut too close to the eye.
  • Moisturizing Eye Drops: If your poodle experiences dry or irritated eyes, consult your veterinarian about moisturizing eye drops or ointments. Keeping the eyes moisturized can promote overall eye health, including the health of eyelashes.
  • Balanced Diet: Proper nutrition is essential for healthy hair growth, including eyelashes. Ensure your poodle is on a balanced diet with appropriate nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and biotin, which support healthy hair growth.
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Be cautious with the products you use around your poodle’s eyes. Avoid using harsh shampoos, conditioners, or grooming products that may irritate their eyes.
  • Regular Vet Check-ups: Regular visits to the veterinarian can help detect and address any eye or eyelash-related issues early on.
  • Supplements: In consultation with your vet, consider adding supplements specifically formulated to support eye health and promote eyelash growth.

Final Verdict On Do Poodles Have Long Eyelashes

As devoted companions, poodles rely on their keen senses to interact with the world around them. Long eyelashes are a vital component of their sensory system, aiding them in navigating various environments and enjoying their daily adventures.

Your poodle’s eyelashes can be kept in optimal condition by offering regular eye care. If you have any uncertainties regarding your poodle’s eye health or grooming regimen, seeking guidance from a veterinarian will provide personalized advice.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why do poodles have long lashes?

A: Poodles have long eyelashes because the breed typically has long hair. Additionally, it is generally observed that dog breeds with long hair also tend to have long eyelashes.

Q: Do poodles have long eyelashes?

A: Yes, Poodles have long eyelashes. The poodle breed is known for its long, curled eyebrows, which is one of the things that sets them apart.

Q: Which dog has the longest eyelashes?

A: Coco, a six-year-old newfypoo (cross between a Newfoundland and a Poodle), has been recognized by Guinness World Records for having the longest eyelashes ever recorded. Coco has the longest eyelashes at 17.8 cm.

Q: Should I cut my poodle’s eyelashes?

A: As previously mentioned, trimming your dog’s eyelashes becomes necessary if they grow excessively and lead to eye discomfort. Neglecting to do so may result in eye discharge or the accumulation of gunk.

Q: What dogs naturally have long eyelashes?

A: Cocker Spaniels (American and English), Maltese, Old English Sheepdogs, Goldendoodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Poodles, and Lhasa Apsos are some of the dog breeds that have naturally long eyelashes.

Q: Why are my dogs’ eyelashes so long?

A: Like humans, dogs need eyelashes to protect their eyes from debris. Some dog breeds naturally have long eyelashes, but if you ever notice any unusual growth or irritation, it’s best to consult a vet.

Q: Why do poodles cover their eyes?

A: At first glance, what may seem like hiding behavior in your dog could be them rubbing or scratching an itch. Dogs use their front paws to relieve an itchy face or eyes and wipe away eye gunk or substances that cause discomfort by getting stuck in their fur.



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