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How Smart Are Poodles? A Complete Guide!

Poodles are great dogs and are among the most friendly and fun pets for any household. They are lively, entertaining, and simple to train.

Although Poodles are commonly seen as snobbish, they are pretty intelligent and very smart dogs. There is a good reason why so many people choose to train Poodles to be show canines and working canines. Their combination of smartness and intelligence leads to this outstanding achievement.

Many Poodle owners wonder how smart are poodles. Studies have shown that they are, in fact, the second most intelligent dogs in terms of obedience and work IQ.

Please keep reading to learn more fascinating facts regarding the brainpower of this unique canine breed.

How Smart Are Poodles?

Poodles are among the smartest dogs. Canine expert Stanley Coren ranks them as the second-smartest breed regarding obedience and workability.

Poodles have high adaptive intelligence and are also quite good at learning from past experiences. Poodles, as great water retrievers, have earned the reputation as the most intuitively intelligent dogs in the dog world.

A dog’s intellect is often compared to that of a 2-year-old child. Poodles have the cognitive capacity of a 2- or 2.5-year-old child when it comes to learning new things.

It is estimated that a Poodle is capable of the following:

  • Learning 250 unique words,
  • Understanding Command Signals
  • Performing simple math.

The latest viral craze on social media is a talking Sheepadoodle named Bunny, an excellent example of how intelligent Poodles can be.

TikTok footage of Bunny interacting with a soundboard made it famous. By hitting the appropriate buttons, it can make phrases of four words or more, and it has been seen engaging in conversation with its owner.

poodle smiling | How smart are poodles?

Measuring Canine’s Intellect

The poodle is the second smartest dog breed, according to Stanley Coren, a famous canine psychologist. However, it needs to be clarified how Coren arrived at these conclusions. After all, the renowned scientist didn’t generate the results randomly.

Coren produced an obedience and working intelligence list for dogs with the cooperation of 199 obedience trial judges from the American Kennel Club and the Canadian Kennel Club. This type of dog intelligence test is commonly used to evaluate a breed’s obedience and trainability.

Canine Intelligence Measured By Dr. Stanley Coren’s Criteria

The obedience trial judges evaluated each dog breed based on Coren’s standards. Further, the final dog intelligence scores were generated using the collected data.

Here is what the experiments were based on:

  • How often does a dog of a particular breed need to hear a command before it memorizes it? An intelligent canine breed would require less practice.
  • The percentage of dogs within a breed that can be taught to obey a simple command on the first try. The higher the success rate of a dog breed, the higher it was evaluated for canine intelligence.

However, not every tested canine breed made it into Coren’s final IQ rankings. Only canine breeds that earned 100 responses were included on Coren’s list of intelligent breeds. Data were insufficient for those who received fewer than 100 responses.

How Well Did Poodle Perform?

The Poodles rank second on the list. The Border Collie was the only canine species to outperform the Poodle. The Poodle’s stellar performance earned them a spot in the top 10 smartest dog breeds.

Poodles came out on top compared to any other average dog breed, such as the German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Golden Retriever, Doberman, and Labrador Retriever.

A Poodle can learn a new command with no more than five repetitions. When learning new commands, Poodles have a 95% success rate on the first try, making them one of the simplest to teach. This dog is even easier to train than the popular Labrador Retriever in the United States.

The Following Table Shows The Top 10 Smartest And most Intelligent Dog Breeds In The World

Top 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Comparing Poodles To An Average Intelligent Dog

Let’s take a closer look at poodles and see how they compare to average dog breeds. Poodles may rank highest in canine intellect, but how did the rest of the breeds do?

An average intelligent dog requires a large number of repetitions of a command to master it. For the most part, it takes them about 25 to 50 tries to fully grasp something.

Poodles learn new commands five times faster than other dogs. Most dogs will comply with recognized commands on the first try, with an average success rate of 50 percent or higher.

Thus, Poodles are around 70% more obedient than other dogs. Because of this difference, most people assume that the ordinary dog is particularly stubborn.

There is, of course, nothing improper with being a typical canine. Even average dogs are lovely. They make fantastic pets and great companions.

Suggested Reading: Can Poodles Be Left Alone?

Dog Intelligence

The general intelligence of a canine breed can be split down into three main dimensions: social skills, problem-solving ability, and learning capacity.

The three main categories of dog intelligence are

  • Instinctive intelligence
  • Adaptive intelligence
  • Working and obedience intelligence

Poodles are largely viewed for their high intelligence level and rapid learning rate. Their intuitive nature helps them process information rapidly.

Poodle’s Instinctive Intelligence

Poodles are also well-known for their greater sense of intuition, which aids them in making decisions based on their instincts.

Poodles are a great option for individuals looking for a dog that is easy to teach and will remain obedient due to their high instinctive intelligence.

Poodle’s Adaptive Intelligence

The Poodle’s ability to learn from its mistakes and adapt its actions accordingly constitutes its adaptive intelligence, it’s just how smart dogs learn. Their adaptive intelligence has made them popular pets worldwide.

This is because poodles are full of life and curiosity, always eager to discover something new.

Thus, the Poodle’s versatility may be one of its greatest strengths. Poodles, for instance, excel at dog puzzles and other tasks that call for creative problem-solving, according to studies.

Poodle’s Working And Obedience Intelligence

Poodles are well-known for their work intelligence and their willingness to obey commands. Whether you’re keeping a poodle as a pet or a service canine, this holds true.

Poodles have been bred for obedience for centuries, and certain poodle lines are even recognized as obedience champions.

Poodles have a strong desire to please their masters and are willing to put a lot of time and effort into training if given the opportunity. They’re quick learners and intelligent canines.

Brown poodle | how smart are poodles?

Emotional Intelligence In Poodles

Poodles are known for having high emotional intelligence, making them excellent companions. Poodles are incredibly perceptive dogs that can sense their owners’ emotions.

These traits make them ideal companions for anyone seeking a dog with emotional intelligence.

Poodles have a high emotional aptitude, but this comes with a price: they are highly sensitive to criticism and cannot take it well.

If you punish or mistreat your dog in any way, it will likely become angry and lose motivation to perform the desired actions, which can cause training to regress significantly. Don’t say anything harsh to a Poodle.

Advantages Of Owning A Poodle (A Smart Breed)

Owning a smart breed like the Poodle has many incredible advantages.

Here are a few of the benefits you’ll get if you choose to show affection for this exceptionally intelligent breed:

  • A poodle is a dog who can comprehend up to 250 human commands and is naturally capable of excelling not just in the fundamental obedience required to be a good canine but also in the advanced obedience necessary to win competitions.
  • Poodles have been favorite in the circus for decades. These dogs also have a natural flair for making everyone around them laugh. It also implies they are highly trainable and take great pride in showcasing their newfound skills.
  • Poodles are one of the easiest breeds to housebreak and can be taught to ring a bell when they want to go outside.
  • Poodles are easy to train bite inhibition because they naturally regard their owners and respond well to moderate correction. Poodle puppies quickly learn not to bite human skin.
  • Poodles are friendly dogs who get along well with humans and other dogs, making them ideal travel companions. They can learn travel commands quickly, such as hopping into cars, waiting patiently to be belted in, and strolling nicely on a leash, allowing their owners to take them anywhere.
  • Poodles make excellent watchdogs thanks to their naturally curious and alert nature, which makes them more inclined to investigate strange noises.

Disadvantages Of Owning A Poodle (A Smart Breed)

Possessing a smart dog like a Poodle has its perks but also a few drawbacks.

There are a few things to keep an eye out for if you own a highly intelligent Poodle:

  • Like nearly all of the world’s brightest dogs, the Poodle is also extremely high-energetic. All that energy can be put to good use in a variety of athletic, obedient, or agility drills. If you don’t keep a check on your dog, it might lead to a dog that causes trouble for fun.
  • Poodles need regular exercise and mental stimulation to maintain a healthy state of mind. A Poodle will quickly become bored without puzzles, games, or other things that stimulate its mind and senses. This might lead to damaging or irritating actions, like constant barking.
  • Poodles are highly intelligent and perceptive of their owner’s emotions, but they are also exceptionally sensitive, so harsh words and physical punishments can hurt them. If you ever hit a Poodle as a form of correction, they may never trust you again, and it may take a very long time before they forgive you.
  • The Poodle is so emotionally fragile that it suffers significantly over extended periods of separation from its human companion. Many Poodles, if left alone for too long, might develop separation anxiety if they are not able to interact with their people.
  • As a pet, Poodle requires a lot of care and attention. Poodles need to be bathed and groomed frequently; this includes getting regular trims. Getting a poodle is a lot of work; if you’re not ready to commit to that, you should probably go elsewhere.

Enhancing Your Poodle’s Intellect: What You Need to Know

Now that you know the answer to the question, “How smart are Poodles?” you might be wondering what you can do to encourage the innate intelligence of your Poodle to flourish.

Some of the best tactics are detailed below:

  • Have some fun games with them
  • Canine puzzles can be pretty helpful
  • Train in a wide range of ways
  • Get them around other canines
  • Encourage them to find solutions
  • Make sure they get enough exercise

Keeping your Poodle on their “paws” by varying their training sessions, and exercise routine is the best way to stimulate their brain and increase their intelligence.

Regular exercise benefits Poodles’ mental and physical health, especially in natural settings. You can also use this time to challenge your Poodle’s brain by playing games like hide-and-seek.

Specialty dog toys that boost canine intelligence can be good for your Poodle when you can’t be there to play with them in person.

As a bonus, your Poodle can put aside any separation anxiety it might feel by playing with the puzzle toys while you’re gone.

Types Of Poodle And Their Intelligence

While all three sizes of Poodles are the same breed, there are some distinguishing characteristics between them.

Is Poodle The Right Choice For You?

Remember that it’s not a must to own a smart dog. Every dog breed is smart enough. They don’t need much intelligence. Don’t listen to the “experts” who try to persuade you that your dog is not intelligent.

Instead of questioning whether Poodles are smart, you should consider if their character traits and personalities meet your requirements.

If you like the Poodle, get it! Poodles are adorable, pleasant, and charming. A Poodle is an excellent choice if you want a dog because they are intelligent, friendly, and a pleasure to travel with. They’re great.

Summing Up

Poodles aren’t simply pretty faces, but they are much more than their fluffy and cuddly appearances. Poodles are among the highest-performing canine breeds on IQ and obedience tests. A Poodle is not a dog to be taken lightly. These canines are exceptionally intelligent and may have been one step ahead of you the whole time.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. What is the Poodle’s intellect level?

A. A poodle is the second most intelligent dog in America. Its instinctive and adaptive intelligence is relatively high; it surpasses other dog breeds, including the more well-known ones like the German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, and Labrador Retriever.

Q. Do Poodles have human levels of intelligence?

A. There is a lot of truth to the idea that owning a Poodle is like having a child. In general, the intelligence of a canine is comparable to a human child of about two years of age.

Q. In terms of canine intelligence, which breed stands out?

The Border Collie is the most smartest and intelligent dog breed.

Q. Can a poodle sense pain?

A. The Poodle is a fantastic dog with high intelligence, loyalty, and many feelings. Poodles, like humans, can experience negative emotions such as sadness, worry, and envy.

Q. How do poodles stack up in terms of intelligence?

A. Stanley Coren says the Poodle is the second-smartest canine breed, right behind the Border Collie.






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